Next to the recall rock, near the breakable wall on the slop leading down from the mountain. Step 1: Set the Sensor. Fresh Milk. io. They spawn by the cherry blossom pond where Lord spawns. Milk, Rock Salt, any veggie. Alternatively, the Slippery Falcon. Food or Consumable Items are often used to acquire different effects such as healing yourself, recovering stamina, and triggering various buffs to Link. Endura Carrots can be found in the ground next to cherry blossom trees. Hyrule Compendium Entry. Groadergreen 6 years ago #7. Endura carrots can be found around all the great fairy fountains, Malanya spring, and Satori mountain, though you’ll have to hunt for them a bit in those areas. If you happen to have some endura carrots, you can get feed those to your horse instead. Just as four Great Fairies provide you with boosts to your armor sets, Malanya does the same for your horses. Use more quantities of the ingredients to give a higher quality to the food! Most of these Vegetables add a Special Effect to the resulting dish, so use these to your benefit when looking for. Hot Buttered Apple. Here’s how to make Chilly Simmered Fruit: Hydromelon. The problem is, horses spook easily. The Legend of Zelda: TotK Walkthrough Sections. There are also a total of 5 Endura Carrots on the tops of the cliffs to either side of the Horse God fountain (reviving dead horses requires Endura Carrots). Here are the very best spots to find them. The ones on Satori are just behind the pink tree, hidden in the rocks. If you need to quickly restore your stamina, then there’s no better or simpler meal than this. Tom Wilson. Quick guide showing where to find Endura Carrots in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Endura Carrots are rare, but there are three different ways to get them in TotK. This alternate route can be advantageous if your. These guarantee a carrot on the ground beneath them and are generally easy. You’ll need an Endura Carrot to free the Horse God from its flower bud and unlock its services. That’s really it. 5 stars. Now. 5 Hasty Simmered FruitFollow Blupees to Find Caves. Head northwest from Hyrule Field Skyview Tower to get there. Quick guide showing where to find Endura Carrots in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Recipe & Effect. Zelda: TOTK Interactive Map - Shrines, Korok Seeds, Side Quests, Skyview Towers, Bosses, Treasure & more! Includes Sky Map, Depths Map & 100% progress tracker!. The best place to get Endura Carrots in Tears of the Kingdom is on Satori Mountain,. Cream of Vegetable Soup is key to maxing out a horse’s Stamina and Pull stats. When cooked into a dish, it boosts your stamina beyond the maximum limit, providing a significant increase in endurance. 2 Tears of the Kingdom; 2 Nomenclature; 3 See Also;. Swift carrot or Endura carrot. Endura Carrot can be found near a Cherry Tree located in the Satori Mountains. Groadergreen 6 years ago #7. DesignFish and Mushroom Skewer. Head northwest from Hyrule Field. Swift Carrots are recurring Items in The Legend of Zelda series. There are a few methods to get Pony Points in TotK, the fastest being renting a bed at the Stable's Inn over and over. Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - Endura Carrot Location🖥️ ZELDA TOTK // GUIDES PLAYLIST:…This flame-kissed endura carrot makes for a truly extravagant single-item dish. Note that you can only get a horn or claw once per interaction with the dragon. After you’ve become a journalist the first Great Fairy you want to awaken is Great Fairy Tera. Veggie Porridge requires three ingredients in Tears of the Kingdom, two of which are specific and required, but the third can be any of the numerous Greens available. Dish Number: 127; Food Item Effect/s: Health. Cooking with a golden apple will give you a critical boost- either three extra hearts or two 1/5 sections of a stamina wheel, so you could do 4x Endura Carrots and 1x Golden Apple and have a chance to get 2 full wheels. As you can see, Piper Ridge is the best resource for Mighty Thistle by a long shot. Secret Treasure under the Great Fish: Zora’s Domain: Talk to Sidon and find the treasure in the Cave Under Zora’s Domain. Check out how to get Endura Carrot in Hyrule Warriors Age of Calamity. In order for us to make the best articles possible, share your corrections, opinions, and thoughts about 「Satori Cherry Blossom Tree Locations and Guide | Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TotK)」 with us!. Once the dragon appears, shoot it (aim for the horns) and then go back to the campfire and sleep until morning. Go around each of these trees and collect as many of the carrots as you can. Mount Dunsel Cave. I made a depths exploration guide with my hero’s path. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. There are three ways to get the Master Sword in Tears of the Kingdom. There is also a small lake at the base of the Mountain (South West of the Peak) that usually has. Speak to the musicians outside the stable and the quest will begin. All vegetable cooking recipes and their ingredients in the Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Zelda: TotK). Hearty Truffle 0. This makes. Zelda: TOTK Whirly Swirly Things Quest Guide. More concentrated amounts can be found in Hyrule Ridge within the Dalite Forest and at the base of the Trees in the Seres Scablands. Most crops grown in the field are not available in shops and can only be found randomly on the map. You will have to spend a good amount of time exploring the map and finding this vegetable. Set your Sensor + to find Endura Carrots for easier tracking when there are some nearby. You’ll earn one Pony Point the first time you visit a stable (and speak to the owner). Description. When you. Fresh Milk. Goat Butter. Surface Studio vs iMac – Which Should You Pick? 5 Ways to Connect Wireless Headphones to TV. . When cooked into a dish, it boosts your stamina beyond its maximum limit. A thorough search can yield up to 13 of them. Vah Medoh Divine HelmEndura Carrot. Your horse can also 'steal' Steen's carrots (in Kakariko) if left near it, though Steen doesn't seem to care. Cane Sugar. Includes how to find Malanya, hints, route, unlock condition, and Foods for Upgrade. That area can be found by gliding over the chasm past the Eastern Abbey, at coordinates -0963, -2343, 0084. Cook it before eating to temporarily increase your stamina limit. Roasted Endura Carrots are the result of Endura Carrots that have made contact with Fire. Adds 1 Extra Stamina Wheel. Endura Carrots are a collectible item that can be used as an ingredient in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (TOTK). After collecting each item, go into your inventory, hold each ingredient and use them on a cooking pot to make the dish! Depending on whether you use Swift or Endura carrots, the food will either gain a status. North of Piper Ridge beside the small pond – 11 x Mighty Thistle. Restores Link’s Stamina. Rewards above 50 Pony Points will alternate between 5 Sleepover Tickets and 3 Endura Carrots every 5 Pony Points. East Necluda; Hyrule Ridge; Swift Carrot. Enlarge. There's basically no reason to make normal stamina stuff when you have any of those available, considering even a single cooked Endura Shroom fully restores Stamina + gives a temporary increase. The first one has nothing of particular interest in or around it, but the second one, further north, has one of those plants that have fairies in them. Between unique saddles and bridles, increases to horse slots, and even a 50% discount stable-wide,. However, there is a fast way to locate five Endura Carrots in one go. There are just a few Endura Carrots growing. Endura Carrot can be found near a Cherry Tree located in the Satori Mountains. The most optimal place to find these ever-so-rare Endura Carrots is in Satori Mountain, located towards the west of Lookout Landing at the coordinates: (-2300, -0533, 0311). Hot Buttered Apple x3. You can find it on the Material tab in Link’s inventory. The fire really brought out its sweetness. There are a couple down the mountain from Satori but I can't tell you exactly where, but they're down there. Tabantha Wheat: Slice grass patches with a sharp weapon in Tabantha Frontier (-3780, 1352, 0237). Karahatag Shrine. Link Amiibo, you can scan it to summon Epona right in front of you, whereupon you simply need to register her at a. However, there is a fast way to locate five Endura Carrots in one go. Increases the power to pull things. ・North Tabantha Sky Archipelago, North Necluda Sky Archipelago. Cool Saffina, Warm Saffina, Sundelion, Silent Princess, Blue Nightshade, Mighty Thistle, and Armoranth are all acceptable ingredients. Screenshot by Siliconera. So, let’s dive right into all the uses for Like Like Stones in TotK. The only problem is the reliance on chance when it comes to getting diamonds in the wild. Recipe. Zelda TotK Carrot Stew Information. Dish Number: 74;. . How to get Endura Carrot in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. To start, you’ll want to explore Central Hyrule and work your way out. There are plenty of trees in Hyrule. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. This white and gold dragon with blue horns flies all over the map, making it particularly difficult to track it down. Endura Carrots will restore 2 hearts when eaten raw. Ingredients: Raw Prime Meat + 3 Endura Carrots + Rock Salt. A quick way to boost the bond you have with your horse is to feed it some apples. About the Author. Swift Carrots are one of three foodstuffs favored by the Sheikah race, with the others being Fortified Pumpkins and Mighty Bananas. Iirc, the malanya spring ones are on the surrounding cliffs above the spring itself. Highly valued as a medicinal plant, this carrot contains large amounts of nourishing energy. The easiest way to get Endura Carrots quickly in TotK is to visit all of the Satori Trees across the main Hyrule. After a short wait, it will turn into Roasted Endura. You can find four of these carrots at the coordinates: -2300, -0533, 0311, where two Moblins have set up a small camp. This chasm is located at the coordinates (4507, -3459, -0017) and the best way to reach this chasm is through the Marari-in Shrine portal. Faron Grasslands. advertisement. Speak to the teacher in Hateno School and complete the quest. Now that you know how to upgrade your horses in Tears of the Kingdom, you’ll be able to get across the map very quickly. Advertisement. You’ll earn Pony Points for interacting with stables. Carrots cooked 5 at a time net you 5 stamina wheels per 5 carrots, or 1 wheel per carrot. Endura Carrots will be scattered around the mountain. You can acquire a few Endura Carrots at the top of the Satori Mountains, located towards the west of the Hyrule Castle (-0254, 1062, 0380)—more on that in this article. All the way at the very top northeast of the map, at Bloodleaf Lake. Sadly, no. However, you must gather Endura Carrots first. The easiest way to get Endura Carrots quickly in TotK is to visit all of the Satori Trees across the main Hyrule map. The grove is easily spotted due to the nearby shrine. Wheat, butter, carrot, milk. Growing Swift Carrot Crops in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Endura Carrot is a highly valued medicinal plant found in East Necluda and Hyrule Ridge. In TotK, the method to make it is the same familiar combination. Fan requested video. Step 4: Speak to Malanya and you will be given the option to upgrade your horses. ★ Complete the Crisis at Hyrule Castle. Near the cherry tree, you'll be able to find a couple of the carrots sticking out of. Fortified Pumpkins gives you a greatly increased defense. Find an Endura Carrot at the base. Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - Endura Carrot Location. But to get these parts, you’ll. But one issue people consistently run into is finding Hydromelons in the first place. Fresh Milk. Raw Gourmet Meat is a rare and valuable ingredient that can. Thankfully, there are two stores that have a good supply of Swift Carrots in Tears of the Kingdom. From the small forest above, go left to the forest near Rutile Lake where 1 Endura Shroom is located. Directly South of Floria River – 2 x Mighty Thistle. → Give Endura Carrots to Malanya. For other rare vegetables, check out all the ways to get Endura Carrots here: How to Find Endura Carrots in Tears of the Kingdom (TotK). Endura Shrooms are mostly found in the locations: North Tabantha Sky Archipelago, North Necluda Sky Archipelago. Description: A rare yellowish-orange mushroom. . How to get an Endura Carrot in Zelda TotK. . This will quickly increase your horse bond. Once you have. Its signature sparkle has charmed Hyruleans for. The entrance to the shrine is blocked by Goron Bayge. Heart Containers. Veggie Cream Soup. Horse God Malanya’s precise coordinates are 4295, 3211, 0151. Endura carrots can be found in plenty at all great fairy fountains. Where to Find Endura Carrots: Endura Carrots are found at every Great Fairy Fountain, as well as the Satori Mountain Range (Mogg Latan Shrine for Fast Travel). Swift Carrot: Hateno Village General Store (3357, -2169, 0120) Goat Butter: Hateno Village General Store (3357, -2169, 0120) and Rito Village General Store (-3645, 1820, 0184) Endura Carrot: Harvest near cherry blossom trees or from completing the “ The Gathering Pirates ” quest at East Akkala Stable . Roasted Endura Carrots are recurring Items in The Legend of Zelda series. Drop the Ingredients by Fire. Primary Locations. Cooking Endura Carrots will net you - assuming you have max natural stamina, 3 wheels: 3. The best place to get Endura Carrots in Tears of the Kingdom is on Satori Mountain, west of Lookout Landing. It’s difficult to miss. The best meal for restoring your Stamina in TOTK is the Energizing Fish Skewer, which restores three full Stamina Wheels and six Hearts. As the process involves lighting a flame, it’s best to set up in a area with a little bit of shelter, in case of any rainy weather. Nicholas Tan Nick Tan is a SEO Lead Writer for. Common Locations. Piper Ridge is just South of Rito Village or. When reporting a problem, please be as specific as possible in providing details such as what. Highly valued as a medicinal plant, this carrot contains large amounts of nourishing energy. This article was created by Game8's elite team of writers and gamers. Adds 2 Extra Stamina Wheels. Speed: Swift Violet, Fleet Lotus Seets. If eaten solo the carrot restores +2 Health. It requires at least one Endura Carrot and one Endura Shroom and will add 1/3 of a whole stamina wheel on top of your original wheel. Endura Carrot or Shroom for Enduring Apple Pie (temporary extra stamina), and more. 3. Uma can grow most vegetables and some fruits, but you must have those items in your inventory. These give temporary stamina, making them invaluable. Endura Carrots, found near cherry trees, offer large stamina returns when cooked individually. • 14 days ago. Cook. Great Sky Island - Find Princess Zelda and The Closed Door Tap. When cooked in bulk, the benefits of Endura Carrots lessen. How to get Endura Carrot in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. 3DS: 0001-3358-5568; PSN/XBL/NNID: Korlitek. Endura Carrots are a much rarer item, but we have a guide available on how to get Endura Carrots that. But up until that tier, there are plenty of worthwhile prizes to earn. Fresh Milk costs 12 rupees, Goat Butter costs 12 rupees, and Swift Carrots cost 16 rupees. The number of remaining Carrots represents the number of times Link can whip the Horse to make it gallop. Basically, ignore. A Sun Pumpkin will restore health you lost to Gloom. Click to enlarge. Endura Carrots. This location has 8 endura carrots for you to farm every blood moon. Tears of the Kingdom is available on the Nintendo Switch. That’s active time, not on the pause screen. Veggie Porridge x3. You can also find a few around fairy fountains. As detailed in our guide on how to get Courser bee honey in TOTK, we spotted some in Hyrule Field just east of Mount. The Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Endura Carrot material is used for Restoring 2 Hearts, Cooking. Today I'm going to show you a few locations to find Endura Carrots. Veggie Cream Soup recipe in TOTK. Radishes give temporary hearts while restoring health as well. ・Chillfin Trout ×2. To Kakariko Village. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of the The Gathering Pirates side mission. We at Game8 thank you for your support. Fried Wild Greens is a simple but effective recipe, and there are many ways you can modify it to add special effects. . List of Crops You Can Grow on the FieldRoasted Endura Carrot is a consumable Food item that can be crafted via cooking in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. But finding them is a bit tricky, as Endura Carrots are pretty rare in TotK. Korlitek 6 years ago #6. Be sure to join the discord and read the rules!. Link will earn one Pony Point whenever he rents a bed for the night at a Stable, but players must make sure to pay for the bed and not use a Sleepover Ticket. In Zelda TOTK, you can find some Mighty Thistle plants on the northern end of Eventide Island to the east of the Chasm. Can be put off since there are few situations where it is particularly needed. ) 3 vegetable omelet (Carrot, egg, goat butter, rock salt) 6 veggie cream soup (Vegetable + milk+rock salt) 3 apple pie ( Tabatha wheat, goat butter, apple, cane sugar) 3 honeyed apple (Apple, courser bee honey ) 6 veggie porridge ( Plant, rice, fresh milk. The Zelda TOTK Apple Pie recipe is relatively easy to prepare, and you can also customize it to your heart’s content. ago. Fuse it to a weapon. A very not-to scale Pinewood Derby version of the Slabwagon / Slab Utility Vehicle / All-Terrain Korok-Transport, complete with backpack korok, steering stick, and big wheels. You can get and find the Golden Horse in Zelda ToTK by starting the Potential Princess Sightings side adventure first. Where to find the Malanya Horse God Fountain in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom – exact location on the map. Hyrule Compendium Entry. Endura Carrots are one of the rarer food items in the game. I've found that the easiest way to grab one is to head to the cherry blossom tree in Hyrule Field at coordinates 0310, 0541, 0022, where you'll find at least one Endura Carrot around. 3 Carrot Stew. One other fruit (apples, bananas, wild berries, whatever) And, yeah. Endura Carrot and Big Hearty Radish. Once you reach the location, clear the Moblin camp, and look for sparkles on the ground near the Blossom tree. And be sure to check out our guide on farming Endura Carrots . 60. Endura Carrot: 2 Hearts: Temporarily Increases Stamina Limit: Dish: Endura Shroom: 1 Heart: Temporarily Increases Stamina Limit: Dish: Energetic Rhino Beetle: N/A: Restores Stamina: Elixir: Fairy: 5 Hearts: Revives Player on Death:Find a vast selection of How To Farm Hearty Radish Endura Carrot More In Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom classified ads on our premium site. Hyrule Compendium The Endura Carrot is an item. Faron Grasslands. The easiest way to get Endura Carrots quickly in TotK is to visit all of the Satori Trees across the main Hyrule map. Look around these locations to farm for Endura Carrots. You can find up to three Mighty Thistles at this location. Now that you have your precious Endura Carrots, let’s delve into their diverse uses in TotK. You should come across 3 to 5 Endura Carrots. Cooking in Totk follows a recipe system, where certain combinations of ingredients yield specific meals or elixirs with special effects. This is a guide to finding Endura Carrots, a material in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity for the Nintendo Switch. Sell Price: 4 Rupees . North of Piper Ridge beside the small pond – 11 x Mighty Thistle. Wheat, butter, carrot, milk. Hateno Village is a popular village in BotW and the second village that you were supposed to go to. You only need three main ingredients: A pumpkin or carrot of any kind. But Endura Carrots are pretty rare! Here are all the ways you can find Endura Carrots in Tears of the Kingdom (TotK). Today we take a look at endura carrots and the location I go to in order to harvest them. Stamella Shrooms, on the other hand, can be found in various regions of Hyrule and are an essential ingredient in dishes that provide a temporary stamina boost. A Fortified Pumpkin makes your defense stronger. To prepare Roasted Endura Carrot, expose Endura Carrot to an open flame, such as one from a campfire, a flame weapon, or volcanic environments. They spawn by the cherry blossom pond where Lord spawns. Endura Shrooms are mostly found in the locations: North Tabantha Sky Archipelago, North Necluda Sky Archipelago. Stamina food recipes. Mount Satori is also where you can find a small grove with 150+ apples . You need Fresh Milk, Hylain Rice, and a vegetable of any kind. Carrot Cake requires the following Ingredients or Materials for cooking: Any Carrot; Cane Sugar; Tabantha Wheat; Goat Butter . Carrot Stew. Far south of Gerudo Town is the Karahatag Shrine (-3714, -3618, 0044). That’s where Endura Carrots come in. Mighty Thistle 0. Ingredient needed: Endura Carrot; Ingredient location: One Endura Carrot can be reliably found in Central Hyrule, beneath the cherry blossom tree to the north of Yamijo Shrine. The Endura Carrots will increase the amount of stamina that is given while the Hyrule Herbs will increase the amount of Hearts that are replenished with this meal. Hyrule Ridge. If you want to farm your crops in TOTK (including Hearty Radishes and Endura Carrots), you’ll need to complete a two-part quest in Hateno Village called Teach Me a Lesson 1 and Teach Me a Lesson 2. The required Food varies depending on the stat you. I found Endura Carrots at these locations: Endura Carrots provide a temporary boost that extends your stamina meter beyond its usual limit. 4. (right) Satori Mountain is where you’ll find the most carrots. To reach there, you must travel your way to the west of the Lookout Landing. Look around these locations to farm for Endura Shrooms. Here are the very best spots to find them. Endura Carrots have a Fuse Attack Power of 1. A thorough search can yield up to 13 of them. Some of them bear fruit, and others hold grudges. Primary Locations. Just as four Great Fairies provide you with boosts to your armor sets, Malanya does the same for your horses. advertisement. I've found that the easiest way to grab. Increases Link’s stamina temporarily. When cooked into a dish, it. They can also be cooked into a meal using a Cooking Pot to temporarily increase Link 's maximum. Effect: Fully restores stamina. When you. Temporary stamina wheel dishes can be very usefull. Courser Bee Honey is slightly harder to find. 190 ( 195 ) Endura Carrot. How to get an Endura Carrot in Zelda TotK (Tears of the Kingdom) You'll need an Endura Carrot to free the Horse God from its flower bud and unlock its services. Description: Highly valued as a medicinal plant, this carrot contains large amounts of nourishing energy. This is the path that leads up to the Lost Woods, and you can find a handful of Razorshrooms amid the trees. When You Get To Depths, Check The Location Directly Below Korok Forest. Highly valued as a medicinal plant. There’s food for every occasion in Tears of the Kingdom, so plan ahead and learn how to cook meals. A Splash Fruit plant can be found next to the Recall Rock. Finding the Malanya location in Tears of the Kingdom. If you have an Endura Carrot picture in the Hyrule Compendium and have upgraded the Sheikah Sensor, set the Sensor+ to track them, and just follow the beeps. Endura Carrot is a one of the materials found in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and is used for cooking, side quests, shrine quests or armor upgrades. Just like the bones, players can find Electric and Warm Safflinas in this area. It’s near Lurelin Village. Once you reach the location, clear the Moblin camp, and look for sparkles on the ground near the Blossom tree. Butter, apple. Foot of the Mountain. Loading. Another location where you can find Endura Carrots in Tears of the Kingdom (TOTK) is just below the Satori Mountains. We at Game8 thank you for your support. If you need to revive a dead horse, you can pick the. We picked a spot along the road at. Endura Carrots grow near a cherry blossom tree on Satori Mountain in Hyrule Ridge. . When lodging at the stables, the owner will offer Link the option of either. Fairy upgrades are tedious and aren't even worth upgrading for set bonuses since you will. Typically, in the. Endura carrots can be found by cherry blossom trees - but only one. There is a small area within the Great Plateau that will have a couple Stamella Shrooms. Hateno Village . Gather the ingredients listed below and find a cooking pot to cook Veggie Porridge. When you max out on stamina (effectively 15 fifths), a single endura carrot can give you 17. There are 2 of them at the (can't remember the name) rocky fairy fountain. TotK on the other hand felt wasteful with its progression. Where to find Endura Carrots in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom (TotK) - Exact locations. The easiest way to get Endura Carrots quickly in TotK is to visit all of the Satori Trees across the main Hyrule map. Veggie Cream Soup x3. The best meal for restoring your Stamina in TOTK is the Energizing Fish Skewer, which restores three full Stamina Wheels and six Hearts. Endura Carrots are a much rarer item, but we have a guide available on how to get Endura Carrots that. Endura Carrots can be located in East Necluda and Hyrule Ridge. Once a player has earned 40 Pony Points in Tears of the Kingdom, they'll earn either five Sleepover Tickets or three Endura Carrots for every additional five Pony points they earn. 1 Breath of the Wild; 1. After you feed the starving Horse God, the flower bud will open, and he will offer you his services. Pull. How to Unlock. Go to TOTK r/TOTK • by. Stable points net 3 endura carrots, which are literally useless by the time you finish the stables. Having a few or more Endura Shroom. Rock Salt. The Legend of Zelda. x3 Endura Carrots: 50 Pony Points. ⚡️10 TOTK Tips You Need To Know⚡️ -. Energizing Seafood Skewer: Bright Eyed Crabs x 5 (Will give three Stamina rings + 10 hearts). advertisement. For this. Endura Shrooms are a rare type of Mushroom that are dotted around the various small forests within and outlining Hyrule Field. Ingredients: Endura Carrots. Unlocking Shrines and Skyview Tower on the way will help you get back to where you left off. Endura Carrot x3. Speak to the teacher and again and next quest will activate. Highly valued as a medicinal plant, this carrot contains large amounts of nourishing energy. Endura Carrot; Swift Carrot; Tabantha Wheat; Goat Butter; Fresh Milk; Cheesy Tomato: Heart. You'll need an Endura Carrot to free the Horse God from its flower bud and unlock its services. → Proceed with the main quest to unlock Lookout Landing's Skyview Tower. BotW TotK. Now that you've located the horse god, feed them an Endura Carrot - you can find them under Cherry Blossom. Follow the steps outlined below to upgrade your Horses in Totk; Navigate to Satori Mountain on the West of Central Hyrule. Thought it might help people with getting more battery. Discover all the methods to find rare Endura Carrots in Tears of the Kingdom with this helpful guide. Finding the Malanya location in Tears of the Kingdom. The easiest way to get Endura Carrots quickly in TotK is to visit all of the Satori Trees across the main Hyrule map. Farming endura shrooms, endura carrots and tireless frogs are the only materials that can get you tempora. Malanya will be located in the Northeast corner of the map in the Akkala region. Here’s how to make Chilly Simmered Fruit: Hydromelon. forgot where. Cook. Screenshot from Gamepur.